Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An Explanation

You can't hear the bitterness that I feel when I read my statement about not going to law school. Law would be an excellent move for my career. Unfortunately, my wife's job has gotten a little too unstable for me to give up my salary and benefits for 3 years. There are no part-time programs that are close enough for me to attend so that means putting aside my law school ambitions.

I envy everyone placing seat deposits and getting ready to start classes in the fall.

Thanks for reading,


Saturday, March 20, 2010


I was waiting for W&M to sent out their denials to see how people with my numbers fared, but I get the feeling most people will get accepted. Why? Because it really is all about the LSAT score, with some element of GPA. Other things may weigh in one way or another, but ultimately, that 3 or 4 hours you spend taking the LSAT will seal your fate. A PhD will help you get in if you have the numbers, but it won't help if you don't.

Focus on your LSAT, that's all that really matters.

I'm not going to law school. Good luck to everybody in their studies and careers.

So long,
