I was waiting for W&M to sent out their denials to see how people with my numbers fared, but I get the feeling most people will get accepted. Why? Because it really is all about the LSAT score, with some element of GPA. Other things may weigh in one way or another, but ultimately, that 3 or 4 hours you spend taking the LSAT will seal your fate. A PhD will help you get in if you have the numbers, but it won't help if you don't.
Focus on your LSAT, that's all that really matters.
I'm not going to law school. Good luck to everybody in their studies and careers.
So long,
Infinite loops
3 months ago
Are you being serious? And I mean that in the nicest way possible way, for I have my own research that I conduct, have been a professor for years, and now am applying to law school because I actually want to go. I just got notified that I am on the priority waiting list at UR, and I am waiting for someone (like yourself) to withdraw their acceptance so that I can attend next semester. I think you should publish your study; many people would be fascinated to read your story. First, though, I implore you to withdraw from the schools who have accepted you. Now. Today. Thank you--then, go make a lot of money off of a publication.